'Now lie on the bed and pretend that you are making out with an invisible man. He is kissing your lips and breasts.'
I lie down on the bed and start writhing. 'Mmm!' I moan in delight and. Wow, I really feel good - all thanks to that pleasant tickling in my nipple that goes erect and changes color to even brighter pink. I feel proud. Then I lean back and start rubbing my hips together.
'He's ready to penetrate you. Now open your legs.' I let a long passionate moan slip from my lips and start stroking my tits even harder. I don't open my legs though. What the hell is this? Pornography? They don't show this stuff in any big screen movies. One of my hands slides down my belly and I let out another very long moan. What else do they want from me?
They shoot it for some time and then Jack is back to his urging again.
'Open your legs...'