I unhook my bra while swaying my hips seductively. I cover my breasts with my left hand pushing them up at the same time. Then I take the hand away slowly and my gorgeous rack appears in front of their hungry eyes in all its glory. My pink nipples are surrounded with biggish bumps that I know my new buddies like a lot.
'Stroke your breasts.'
Yes, I agree - everything should be as realistic as possible in a real erotic scene. Experienced editors will do the cutting and everything will be fine. I obey Jack's order. My tits are too big to fit into my cupped hands.
'Now on to your panties.'
My hands leave my breasts and slide down to black lacy panties. They fit me so fine that it costs me quite some effort to take them off. Okay, you brutes, now hold on. I tear my panties off and laugh into the camera.