I lean forward and take a peek out of my stall. Having made sure that no one is there, I start caressing my breasts. Feeling like a thief, jerking at every faint sound, I squeeze them with both hands, then push them hard against my chest and pull on the nips.
I grab my hair, roll it up, run it along my lips and ram into my mouth. I know that my hair is perfectly healthy, so I'm not afraid to damage it when twisting it like that. I'm sticking the wet roll into my mouth, sucking warm water out of it. It tickles my tongue, my gums, rubs against my palate. I can feel my legs start to tremble because I'm so excited. I remember that I can reach my own nipples with my tongue. However, I can't do it now - if someone busts me doing that, they will understand everything right away.