All of a sudden, another hand grabs me by the hair, turns my face to the side and impales my mouth on a huge cock that goes so deep it tickles my tonsils. I didn't even have the time to breathe in!
'Oh yeah, baby, yeah,' I hear him moaning. He is moving my head back and forth and rocking his pelvis too, obviously panning to cum into my mouth. I catch a moment and take a deep breath with a loud gasp.
'Film it, film it! Move her hair to the side! Let some of it leak out!' orders Jack. Billy's camera is staring at us with its one lifeless eye, capturing every moment, filming me struggling to swallow the whole of this huge load of cum. Quite expectedly, I fail, cough and some jizz comes gushing out of my mouth. Unoccupied men are back to fingering my pussy.