Steamy semen is hitting me from all sides, I am almost going crazy from lust - and still I can feel every touch, even the tiniest drops hitting my feet, my toes, my hair. It is sperm after all! Men are so different from women. A female orgasm is a deep mystery, literally - and a male one is very open and very material. As any woman, I perceive it as a stream of hot cum that you can feel with all senses and all of your body's receptors. Hell no, that's anything like Catherine's moans and spasms - here everything is very material. The pleasure is very physical - I'm literally surrounded by it, it's hitting me, covering me with a thick layer of hot liquid. It is the men's admission of the fact that they like me, want me, allow my charms to take over them, open up for me so that I can suck their juices out from the inside! These men are mine!